Tuesday 25 November 2014

Add Ubuntu Linux in Microsoft Active Directory Domain

Lets see how to add the Ubuntu workstation in Microsoft Active Directory Domain, in this article i am using Windows 2003 server but you can also use windows 2008 server as well
Let me just show you the configuration of my server
DNS Tricks
As you can see i have DNS installed on the same server and DHCP is not enabled
Now let us go to Ubuntu Workstation, on Ubuntu we have to edit some files to make sure that the Ubuntu Workstation is able to ping the server using the IP address and Fully qualified domain name (FQDN)
Ubuntu Workstation is my server IP address and i am able to ping it successfully
Ubuntu Workstation
But i cannot ping the FQDN computer2.domain.local
Ubuntu Workstation
To over come this problem we have to edit couple of files here
To do that click on Applications–Accessories–Terminal
Type in sudo gedit /etc/hosts and hit enter, put your sudo password
once the file opens up we are going to add the IP address and Host name in this file
Linux Ubuntu
Put the IP address of your server and FQDN, e.g  Computer2
Click on save and close the file
Next file we have to edit is sudo gedit /etc/nsswitch.conf
Linux Ubuntu
In this file there is a line as below
hosts: files mdns4_minimal (NOTFOUND=return) dns mdns4
Add # in the beginning of host to omit this out and type in the below line
hosts:    files dns mdns4
Click on save and close the file
Now try to ping the FQDN, in my case since i am not using DHCP so we need to edit 2 more files “resolv.conf” and “dhclient.conf”
Linux Ubuntu
Go to terminal and type in sudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf, in this add “#” in the begining of each line
#domain localdomain
#search localdomain
Add search and nameserver as below
search      domain1.local
Note : put your domain name and the DNS server IP
Save this file and close it
What happens is, the file resolv.conf is going to be overwritten as soon as we reboot the workstation, so to get rid of that problem we need to edit one more file “dhclient.conf”
open terminal and type sudo gedit /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf and hit enter
In this file we have to add below lines
supersede domain-name “domain1.local”;
prepend domain-name-servers;
Note : Make sure you add your domain name and proper IP address not mine
Click on save and close the file
Now if you need your domain user to be an ADMIN, we need to edit one more file sudo visido
Linux workstation
Just below the line # User privilege specification — Type your your domainname\username ALL=(ALL) ALL
If you want to add a group go to line # member of the admin group may gain root privileges
Type %domainname\domain^users ALL=(ALL) ALL
Press Ctrl Key and enter, it will write the changes and press ctrl+X to exit
Now all we have to do is go to Synaptic Package Manager
Type in likewise and look for likewise-open-gui
Choose the package likewise-open-gui and click Mark for installation
Mark additional required changes
Click on APPLY
package likewise-open-gui
Click on Apply again
package likewise-open-gui
package likewise-open-gui
package likewise-open-gui
Linux Ubuntu
Linux Ubuntu
Once likewise is installed, go in to SYSTEM you will see a new option–Active Directory Membership, click on it
Linux Workstation
Once it opens up, type your domain name and provide the active directory credentials
Linux Ubuntu
Restart the Ubuntu workstation ! E

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