Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Confirm All Your Friend Requests With Single Click

Facebook is growing and so is the about of connections we are making. It happens a lot of time that when people join facebook that they get a lot of friend requests. Its highly suggested that you make friends with only the people you know.

So when you get a lot of friend requests and find it boring to click confirm on each one of them. Then just create this bookmarklet and use it to confirm all friend requests with just 1 click. Simple!
In the above Bookmark just change the URL  to the following code or create a new one.
javascript: var field = document.getElementsByName("actions[accept]");for (i = 0; i < field.length; i++)field[i].click() ;
Now once created. Go to the following page to get all your Friend Requests: http://www.facebook.com/reqs.php
and use the bookmark to confirm all your new friend requests. [Don't forget to reject the ones you don't want manually before clicking the bookmark].
Note: Its unsafe to accept unknown friend requests on facebook as a lot of your private information which you wish only your close friends should know becomes accessible to all your facebook friends. This includes messages, contacts, personal pictures etc.
If any problem persist then feel free to contact us....
dont forget to post comments

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